Controls are your cybersecurity & data privacy program ---- A control is the power to influence or direct behaviors and the course of events.

SCF Errata

This page will be periodically updated with errata (e.g., edits or changes) to the Secure Controls Framework (SCF) that reflect both minor and major revisions to the SCF. This page lists the current version of errata that is pertinent to the latest version of the SCF. For historical errata, that can be obtained from the SCF GitHub repository -

Current Release Errata (2024-05-23)

Version 2024.2 represents a moderate update, based on new and changed controls. There is an addition of tagging controls based on People, Processes, Technology, Data & Facilities (PPTDF) Applicability:
- People - A "people" control is primarily applied to humans (e.g., employees, contractors, third-parties, etc.)
- Process - A "process" control is primarily applied to a manual or automated process.
- Technology - A "technology" control is primarily applied to a system, application and/or service.
- Data - A "data" control is primarily applied to data (e.g., CUI, CHD, PII, etc.).
- Facility - A "facility" control is primarily applied to a physical building (e.g., office, data center, warehouse, home office, etc.)

There is also the addition of the "MSP/MSSP Secure Practices Baseline" as the SCF-M sub-control set. This is intended to help organizations perform Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM) assessments of their Managed Service Providers (MSP) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP). SCF-M is specifically tailored for identifying reasonable controls across a set of common compliance expectations. SCF-M is comprised of controls from:
- AICPA / CICA Privacy Maturity Model (GAPP)
- NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law (MDL-668)
- NIST 800-161 rev 1 C-SCRM Baseline
- NIST 800-171 rev 3
- NIST 800-207 (Zero Trust Architecture)
- OWASP Top 10 v2021
- FAR Section 889
- GLBA CFR 314 (Dec 2023)
- SEC Cybersecurity Rule

Added mappings:
- NIST 800-171 R3
- NIST 800-171A R3
- NY DFS 23 NYCRR500 2023 Amendment 2

New controls:
- AST-01.4: Approved Technologies
- CFG-06.1: Integrity Assurance & Enforcement (IAE)
- END-14.6: Explicit Indication Of Use
- SAT-03.9: Counterintelligence Training
- THR-03.1: Threat Intelligence Reporting

Renamed controls:
- CFG-03.3: Explicitly Allow / Deny Applications
- CHG-04.4: Permissions To Implement Changes
- CHG-06: Control Functionality Verification
- CLD-11: Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
- CRY-01.2: Export-Controlled Cryptography
- END-06.2: Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)
- IAC-13.1: Single Sign-On (SSO) Transparent Authentication
- NET-05: Interconnection Security Agreements (ISAs)
- NET-06: Network Segmentation (macrosegementation)
- NET-07: Network Connection Termination

Wordsmithed controls:
- IAC-06.4
- CFG-03.3
- CHG-06
- CLD-04
- CLD-11
- DCH-14.3
- END-06
- END-07
- IAC-21.3
- IAC-28
- MDM-01
- MON-01.4
- NET-04
- NET-05
- NET-07
- NET-14.7
- PES-03.3
- PRI-05.3
- PRI-10
- SAT-03.6
- TDA-02.3
- THR-03
- VPM-06

Updating mappings:

- ISO 27001:2022
> GOV-10
> AST-02.9
> AST-04.1
> AST-06
> END-09
> IAC-21.3
> NET-01
> NET-03.3
> NET-03.5
> PRI-05.5
> TPM-05.4
- ISO 27002:2002
> GOV-10
> AST-02.9
> AST-04.1
> AST-06
> END-09
> IAC-21.3
> NET-01
> NET-03.3
> NET-03.5
> PRI-05.5
> TPM-05.4
- ISO 27017
> IRO-11
- NIST 800-161
> BCD-08
> BCD-09
> CAP-02
> CFG-01.1
> CFG-03.4
> CFG-04.1
> CHG-06
> CLD-09
> CRY-05
> DCH-19
> GOV-02
> GOV-03
> GOV-06
> GOV-10
> HRS-05
> IAC-01.2
> IAC-20
> IAC-21
> IRO-02
> IRO-02.5
> IRO-10
> IRO-10.4
> IRO-11
> IRO-14
> MNT-02
> NET-04.2
> NET-04.5
> NET-11
> PES-01
> PRI-13
> RSK-09
> SAT-02
> SAT-03
> SAT-03.9
> SEA-01
> SEA-07
> SEA-15
> TDA-01
> TDA-04
> TDA-04.1
> TDA-04.2
> TDA-05
> TDA-06.1
> TPM-03
> TPM-04
> TPM-05.4
> TPM-05.7
> THR-01
> THR-03
- NIST 800-53 R5
> RSK-09
> TPM-02
> TPM-03
> TPM-05
> TPM-05.4
> TPM-05.7
- NIST 800-171A
> IAO-03
> IAO-05
> IAC-03
> IAC-05